Crypto Conan's Chronicles is a series of chapters made by the community members, that keep being written as the story progresses.


In a bygone era, when the lands were shrouded in legend and mystery, a tribe of fierce warriors roamed the untamed wilderness. These mighty warriors possessed extraordinary power within their very beings—the $STEEL $BALLS of Power. Legends spoke of an ancient ritual that bestowed the most worthy barbarians with immense strength & stoicism. Crypto Conan was the chosen one by Chief Hudanix, the overseer of the ancient trials. Presented with the chiefs daughter, Crypto Conan took her towards to the fire & bathed in her chasteness until she could bear it no longer. Her aching flower was calling for Conan’s longsword & as his $STEEL did not disappoint. The wolves howled for what seemed like forever before Crypto Conan infused her. With his $BALLS cleared of vril & a climaxing vixen that lay before him, Conan moved onto more imperative endeavours. He drank, ate & rollicked with his tribe. They spoke of journey & conquest. On the sunrise tomorrow his quest begins.


Crypto Conan passed through rugged terrain, rich with natives & mystical creatures, a zeal filled his soul as he envisaged a throne, a great army to command & vast lands to conquer. A light drizzle had turned into a downpour & the embankment he walked beside began to slide, washing him into the river below. Grasping onto a passing branch he went over falls & rapids before being deposited on the banks in a calm alcove inhabited by the Lana clan. They were uneasy at Crypto Conans presence & promptly order by their powerful chief Sol to destroy the intruder. Conan called upon his $BALLS & drew his trusty $STEEL. They came thick & heavy with clubs, spear & axe but Conan drew upon the teachings of Hudanix, rousing him into a transcendent state, slashing skilfully & with great precision. Arms & legs littered the sandy riverbank, the water had turned a crimson red as the dying bled out. Crocodiles began to frenzy as Sol’s army continued attacking, trying to find vulnerability but with no success. Corpses fell at the highest rate in history & although his timing was a little off, the $STEEL performed without fail. Chief Sol had seen his army annihilated. Crypto Conan stood ready as Sol approached, he drew his dagger & offered his bollocks to the bloodstained warrior. Conan slapped them from his outstretch hands before slicing through his torso leaving his last breath to bubble through blood. An insult to this barbarian, the $BALLS he $HODL’d were not of $STEEL.


He continued eastwards towards the Valley of Suns, the mystic region of the Sirens & a powerful kingdom. He entered a large cave guarded by 2 beautiful muscular women, permitting entry, he galloped forward but his horse became perturbed at a harmony in the distance. Drawing closer Crypto Conan could feel a warm sensation wash over his being. The stallion made it’s way into an open hall, like a hollowed out volcano with beams of white light piercing through the tangle vines above. Hundreds of beautiful women incanting verse surrounded Crypto Conan as he lifted his gaze to behold the High Priestess Justine & the source of her power, the Rhombi Jewel. Feeling weak & dazed, the women with extraordinary strength lifted & secured Crypto Conan to a diamond pole in the centre of the temple. The Sirens chanting became louder as the high priestess moved towards the captive. She knew the great strength this warrior possessed & proceeded cautiously. To acquire this power for herself would mean unlimited possibility. Stripping Crypto Conan to his loincloth, she caressed his muscular body in ritualistic manner. The chanting intensified as Crypto Conan grimaced, resisting the calls & enticing touch of Justine to bestow his life force. The incantations at crescendo, sirens euphoric & the high priestess in the final phase of her ritual as her victim waned. Her hand movements from toe to head would complete the coup de grâce but her excited anticipation had forced a glance across his $BALLS. Crypto Conan had a moment of clarity, gritting his teeth & $STEELing himself, he called once again upon the power of Hudanix. Stepping back & falling to the ground, the high priestess had realised her mistake. The sirens too had ceased & moved back cautiously as he broke free. Crypto Conan was furious. His $STEEL was drawn & ready for retribution. Slashing & slicing through his attackers had new meaning, his most prized $BALLS had almost been forfeit. The siren song substituted for squawking was silenced one by one as he made his way to the high priestess now cowering at her throne. Calm had washed across the temple. Crypto Conan’s sword was pressed to the throat of Justine, he tore the robes from her body & picked up the Rhombi Jewel, crushing it into pieces. The skin of the priestess turned black, her limbs curled & her eyes sucked back into her skull. Crypto Conan growled an angry sigh, satisfied at the demise of his foe.


Seated again on the back of the stallion, Crypto Conan traversed the lands & legend grew. Villagers & folk revered his exploits. Many stories had crossed the tables at inns & taverns, around camp fires & while journeying. Tales unembellished & explicit of the great barbarian’s deeds. A groundswell grew in the hearts of good people, unintended but unavoidable as Crypto Conan disposed of the nefarious. This would made him a marked man to those who felt threatened. Composed & tranquil, he mediated on the philosophy of the great chief Hudanix & the unique power of $BALLS which he was entrusted. With $STEEL in hand, no peers rivalled him, but Conan was still vigilant to the assassin, the scoundrel, the betrayer. Many months of travel & discovery had widened Crypto Conan’s eyes, the elements & adventure had hardened an already chiselled physique, into one the gods would carve & display at the most lavish feasts. Crypto Conan took a path that led through the large village of Mt Riot, a mining town aptly named for the chaos & danger present to the residents & drifters alike. Set up to mine the once precious Thane, now it’s stone buildings crumbled as more efficient energy was discovered. He stopped at a noisey tavern & made his way to the bar. Eyes lifted from their mugs & meals as Conan entered. Scanning the room he noticed a group of warrior thugs in black bear skins, covered in scars & heavy with weapons eyeballing him. The barman’s worried look conveyed an unspoken message during service. Conan sat, back to the wall with a frothy ale & the ripe roasted leg of bison. Chugging & gnawing, his $STEELy gaze was undisturbed, signalling that there would be trouble soon. Sliding of their chairs was the trigger, Conan popped his chest & $HODL’d the hilt of $STEEL as he rose to meet the band of goons. Patrons scurried to safety as the clashing of $STEEL filled the room. The first brave attacker came fast with a nailed bat but moments later he was clutching his shoulder as he watched his arm twitch on the dusty flagstones. Bleeding out, Conan finished with a precise carve to the throat muffling his gasps of pain. Tackled by two, Crypto Conan was pushed back where he grabbed his blunt bison bone, stabbing one through the lung before head-locking & snapping the other’s neck. The last four approached in a more calculated way, surrounding the great champion but it mattered not, Crypto Conans $STEEL flashed like a silver fish, cutting off legs & piercing torsos. Blood & entrails splashed bystanders as Crypto Conan perform surgery on his flailing victims. The incapacitated bodies were dragged into the street & piled upon one another for the street dogs to finish. Conan went back inside for another ale, it was thirsty work. The barman poured & passed while motioning to a dimly lit corner. Conan could make out a hooded figure & was intrigued, with no threat detected he moved towards & sat down. Removing her hood the mysterious women displayed her stunning beauty, Crytpo Conan’s $BALLS tingled as he acknowledge her appeal but as a stoic man would not fall into the trappings of a pub hussy until she proved her worth. With raven hair, pearl skin & emerald green eyes she tried cutting through Conan’s guard to no avail but he enjoyed the company as the trek had been long. They were joined by some admirers as Crypto Conan told stories & drank into the night.


Having satisfied his blood-lust for the evening, Crypto Conan led the temptress towards lodging at the rear, pushing the door open for entry, she jumped on his back & for a moment thought he was being attacked but the girl had been kept at bay all evening & now they were alone her pent up desire unleashed. Conan could feel the warmth of her thighs as they wrapped his body, her moistness cascading between his cheeks. He put his gear down beside the deep furs of the bed & with swiftness, grasped a fistful of hair & threw her to the bed. She giggled playfully. Reaching up to release Conan’s $STEEL, she was stripped of her smile when presented with the task at hand. Being no match for life force about to grace her quivering fufu she deeply inhaled when enveloping him. Arching her back in ecstasy, Conan in complete control with her rump encased in his talons, he drove deep & slow feeling every explosion as she convulsed below him saturating the furs. Her little soldiers so hard they marked his chest when pressed against & her eyes rolling back as Conan finally released his manliness as they came together in a final moment of rapture. Conan laid his head to rest. With a jerk Conan woke up & rolled towards his $STEEL ready for an attack. His instinct warned him of danger, but from what direction? Extending the drinking & feast in the tavern with the private party had softened his guard, he felt different to other nights at the tavern, poison or disorienting drugs must have been laced in his drinks, due to multiple attempts to drug him in the past Conan had built up a high tolerance against them. On the bed still sleeping was his female companion & there were constant voices in the hallway connecting the rooms of the tavern but nothing threatening however. Conan estimated it was still 2 hours till dawn, so early travellers would be making ready for breakfast. As a precaution he took his pack of bearskins arranging them in his sleeping place & sunk back into a dark corner of the room. In the pale moonlight it looked as if someone was sleeping there. The drug still made him disoriented and sleepy, but his nerves of $STEEL kept him alert. Just as the first rays of light crept through the room he noticed the girl waking up, creeping silently, she stepped out of the bed and towards her pile of clothes where she suddenly pulled out a $STEEL knife and started hacking into the bearskins where Conan once laid. Jumping forward, he quickly disarmed the girl & although silent, her eyes told that she was still ready for battle. Conan examined the knife and noticed the hilt held a sliver of the Rhombi jewel. “Sirene right?” he asked the girl. “Nice try”. Her face mutated into a demon serpent & lashed at Crypto Conan with tongue & fangs. Conan pushed her away & followed with a front kick that sounded the cracking of bones. He threw the knife towards the her & upon impact, both the girl and knife disappeared in a mystic black cloud. “Be seeing you” Conan said as the feeling of danger ebbed away. Stepping back into bed, slept for the remainder of the day.


As evening drew near, a light tap at the door alerted Crypto Conan. Grasping his $STEEL, he cautiously open the heavy wooden door. A lone man of cunning demeanour & copper features stood nervously before him, “Crypto Conan, the town thanks you for ridding us of those bullies but word has made it to their clan & they are coming for retribution” Pushing a $PAPER into Conan’s hand, he turned & swiftly withdrew. Conan found his horse well kept, the stablehand motioning to follow as they made their way south through the narrow alleys under the cover of dark. The underbelly of Mt Riot street life was stirring as the den of vagrants & streetwalkers scratched for survival. Conan & his guide reached the outskirts as the rumbling of hooves approached. A small army a hundred strong & a cloud of dust could be made out in the light of the half moon. Through the olive groves & into the crevices of Ripple Valley would complete the clandestine departure of the champion. Mounting his steed & acknowledging the aid provided, Crypto Conan made way to cover as the hoard tore through town. Screams pierced the evening air as arrows flew & the slashing of those too slow to find cover fell victim. A warning that no mercy would be given. The leader declared, “Your lives or His.” Townsfolk beheld as the local senator cautiously advanced, “Mighty Garjed, the man you seek has departed to the north just an hour ago.” Suspicious of information given so freely, Garjed summoned his snitches. “It seems a half-truth is all the respect I command, senator.” Drawing his $STEEL, the miscreant filleted the auburn gent before him from $BALLS to neck & turned his posse south before the carcass of his victim had fallen to the floor. Riding hard & making ground on the unsuspecting wildman, Garjed had followed the only unmonitored path leading out of the ranges, a supernatural realm known as the Lawsky Pass that few have ventured. Conan made way with an uneasy feeling, the path was narrow & rock walls steep, the perfect terrain for an ambush but forward was the only option. Crypto Conan retrieved the parchment from his chest pouch. The scrypt was recognisable, letters & symbols he had seen tattooed on the elders of his tribe but Conan could not decipher it. Crypto Conan’s senses heightened as he heard an echo through the canyon. Conan studying the walls confining him, saw a previous rockslide paused along a narrow ridge. Sending his horse on, Crypto Conan scrambled upwards & drew his $STEEL. Striking the boulders, he caused the rockslide to continue, coming to rest on the crevice floor narrowing it so that only 1 or 2 men may pass. Conan took position, covering himself with rocks & dust to lay in wait. Moments later Garjed & his band of savages arrived, with orders to follow, each man lead his horse up the rockfall. The animals often slipping, breaking legs & ankles. Groaning echoed around as the injured steeds were silenced, blood mixed with the grey dust & rocks. Crypto Conan watched on patiently as most of the army had made it over, just Garjed & his elite guard remained. Drawing on the power of Hudanix, an indomitable sensation coursed through his $BALLS, with Garjed just a few metres below, Conan lept from concealment on the rock-wall, plunging his $STEEL through the crown of Garjed’s head. The crack of bones along with the geyser of blood & brains as Conan drew out his $STEEL alerted the guard. Garjed’s face-first dismount into the dust was not graceful as Conan took control of the horse & charged.


From Ripple valley Conan made his way towards the Plane of Bones. He had heard of a wizard that might be able to read his parchment. The wizard lived at the edge of the plane. Conans $BALLS did not sense any danger when the wizard greeted him and said he was welcome. During a meal the wizard revealed that the sirens were a long time adversary and he was glad that the tribe was scattered. Unsupported by the group leaders and fewer in numbers their strength and influence was reduced to a fraction of the original threat. The wizard studied the $PAPER with the symbols of Conan youth and mumbled something about the altar of bones… retrieve the heart …. Ragni’s curse… Rhumbi’s sister. The parchment was signed with the name Hudanix. The wizard told of a system of underground tunnels that could be found where the Plane of Bones met the mountain range. Many swordsmen, barbarians, thieves and even armies had traveled towards this spot over the years, none have ever returned. That night during his sleep Conan received a vision. He was back in his birth village, sitting by the fire and listening to Hudanix stories. This story was about the two devil sisters Ragni and Rhumbi that terrorized the realm. The realms wizards united under Hudanix and fought the sisters in a magical battle. The battle was balanced, with most of the magic flung from both sides being deflected. This deflected magic shaped the realm, mountains turned into lakes, fertile lands became death-traps for each person traveling there. Slowly over many days the wizard got the overhand, their numbers created a possibility for rest, while the sisters were only two and had no time to rest. No longer able to resist the magic, the spells finally hit the sisters, turning them both into a crystal. These crystals were supposed to be guarded by the wizard over the years, but ended up missing. The Rhumbi crystal ended up with the sirens. Finding out what happened with the Ragni crystal was a task that many wizards pledged to solve in their lifetime, many passed away from old age without making progress. The vision ended with Hudanix speaking to Conan directly. The effects of the Ragni’s crystal can clearly be seen in the Plane of Bones region. The $PAPER and vision from Hudanix cleared all doubt from Conan’s mind. This was the next quest. Thanking the wizard for his help, meal and resting place, Conan mounted his stallion and traveled towards the mountain range. During his day it seems that almost no progress was made, the mountains looked as far away in the afternoon as in the morning. By nightfall Conan prepared his camp so he could continue the next morning. But with his $BALLS tingling he knew this night would not bring him rest. The untied his stallion, the trusty animal would run for safety, but would never abandon him. Then Conan sat down at the fire, his $STEEL ready. Conan heard the galloping of his stallion, time for action. A skeleton holding a sword showed up from the right, another from the left, two from the front. Swinging his $STEEL Conan defended himself and attacked, his hits just made no permanent damage to the walking bones. Conan was slowly being driven backwards; knowing he would be overwhelmed, he spoke: “Ok. take me to you leader”. The skeletons stopped their attack. “I cant believe that worked”, Conan thought when he felt several poisoned darts hit his body, his vision blurred while he lost his conscience.


The Elite Guard were not only known for the protection they provided but for retribution & vengeance they were capable of. A formidable force that had witnessed an aberration, never has anyone fallen while under their protection. Conan’s masterful tactics had yielded result but also kicked a hornets nest that he now unwittingly rode towards. The Elite Guard consisted of four savage, battle hardened mercenaries that in concert were as good as 400. Striking with $STEEL, sparks flew as Conan clashed with each one as he galloped past. Even more furious & somewhat astounded, the Guard had never encountered an adversary with such $BALLS. Garjed’s army had gone forward, unaware of what was occurring in the valley behind, Crypto Conan’s guile had cut the numbers but the danger that stood before him was real. One by one they engaged with the champion until a circle formed giving Conan no exit. Dust rose & rocks scattered as the Guard stabbed & sliced but found no weakness. They backed up. Crypto Conan stayed at the ready, sweat glistening off the warriors ripped physique as he observed the the Guard raise their swords & began riding around him. Crypto Conan kicked his steed in an effort to dash but found the animal unresponsive. A black cloud formed above Crypto Conan & descended, swirling around him like a raging tornado, engulfing & binding his legs, his arms, constricting his chest, He fell from the saddle, groaning in pain. Electricity shot through the storm into it’s ensnared victims flesh, draining his life-force. After some hours of this torture, the Guard released the trap in order to continue the torment. Crypto Conan lay in the dust & rocks, blood dripping from his eyes & ears, hands & feet scorched, skin peeling from his body. One of the Guard dismounted to inspect the victim, looking into his eyes & discovering a stoic & resolute, $STEELy gaze, one a warrior in high spirits might have upon commencement of a battle. Sneering & spitting at Conan before slamming his head back to the canyon floor. Standing up, the Guard noticed a corner of parchment protruding from Conan’s chest pouch. Reaching down to retrieve it, Conan grabbed the outstretch hand & broke the wrist with sharp twist. Stumbling back with painful grimace alerted the others to the danger present. Dismounting & $HODLing Conan’s limbs, one recovered the $PAPER & began to unfold. The others now looking on. The scrypt was recognisable as the Guard were masters of the dark magic but they had not seen characters configured in such a way. Muttering the first few symbols energised the $PAPER, now glowing an intense blue, swirling around while shooting beams of light outwards. Sharing the excitement at what was witnessed for they had truly stumbled upon powerful sorcery. The euphoric feeling felt by the $SURGE of energy was quickly replaced with an intense burning as the beams penetrated their flesh & cracked their bones sending them all crashing to the ground. The energy had darkened their eyes & blindness ensued. The wailing that followed was for none to hear for nightmares would follow from every night forward. It was said they crawled to a nearby overhang to wallow & haunt the Lawsky Pass for many moons. Conan lay battered on the canyon floor but his spirit & stoic resolve had grown, he had witnessed a fraction of the power of the Great Hudanix’s teachings & what befell those who were unworthy. Unbeknown to Conan, was a hermit that lived in the Lawsky Pass. Observing all that took place & being true of heart, he moved cautiously to Conan’s side & began to clean & dress the wounds of the warrior. Ointment made from the liver of the flickery lizard healed the wounds in a few days & Conan was able to walk again. Retiring to the hermits shelter he fully recovered in a few more days in which time the conversation between them was valuable. Conan told many stories which lit the face of the host & the hermit spoke of an enlightened wizard near the great planes.

From Ripple valley Conan made his way towards the Plane of Bones, hoping the wizard the hermit spoke of may be able to read his parchment. On the edge of the great planes, Crypto Conan surveyed the ancient battle ground now littered with the skeletons of fallen combatants, a quiet moment taken as respect was given to those who payed the ultimate price in search of glory. He saw smoke rising from a rocky outcrop & made way as the sun set. Conans $BALLS did not sense any danger as the wizard welcomed him with anticipation, “I am Stin, the last of 87.” Entering the humble lodgings, Crypto Conan shared a meal & listened. “Over the ages our magic developed to serve & protect. Many clashes with evil honed our skills but our enemies also became strong. An evil crusade for realm ensued, only the 87 coming together in $SINGULARITY was able to prevail & relative peace followed. The Sirens are strong & when Justine’s clan was destroyed, the other tribes $STEELed themselves. Lore has been revealed that if enough crystal shards come together that the sisters may be reborn & with the wizards being no more, who will stand in the way?” Crypto Conan produced the parchment & the wizard studied the the symbols of Conan’s youth. Glowing blue, Stin was energised & mumbled something about the altar of bones .… retrieve the heart …. Ragni’s curse. The parchment was signed with the mark of Hudanix. “A reawakening is in the works my friend, all the shards must be destroyed” Conan took the parchment. Stin began a chant & lit incense, with their lungs burning & skin shining with sweat, the wizard began his spell. Conans eyes went opaque as the scrytp symbols beamed rays of blue lightning into the windows of his soul. The $PAPER igniting, destroyed, but the wisdom imprinted. That night in a deep sleep, Conan received a vision. He was back in his birth village, sitting by the fire and listening to Hudanix stories. This story was about the two sisters Ragni and Rhombi that terrorized the realm. The wizards united under Hudanix and fought the sisters in a magical battle that was evenly matched, with most of the sorcery from both sides being deflected. This deflected magic shaped the realm, mountains turned into lakes, forests into deserts & lands became death-traps. Slowly over many days the wizards got the upper hand, their combined strength was relentless, while the sisters were only two and had no respite. No longer able to resist, the spells froze the sisters, turning them both into a crystal. These crystals were to be guarded by the wizards over the years, but ended up missing, broken & scattered, prized for their unique purple hue & rarity. A Rhombi crystal shard ended up with the Sirens. Finding out what happened with the Ragni crystal was a task that many wizards pledged to solve in their lifetime, many passed away from old age without making progress. The vision ended with Hudanix speaking to Conan directly. “Royalty in blood & action, stoic & spartan in mind, greatness is your destiny” Crypto Conan woke to see Stin deep in meditation. Divulging the vision as the wizard reflected. “The path lays before you great warrior, let wisdom guide you.” Stin told of a system of underground tunnels that could be found where the Plane of Bones met the mountain range. Many swordsmen, barbarians, thieves and even armies had traveled towards this spot over the years, none have ever returned. The effects of the Ragni’s crystal can clearly be seen in the Plane of Bones region. The $PAPER and vision from Hudanix cleared all doubt from Conan’s mind. This was the next quest. Thanking the wizard for his help, meal and resting place, Conan mounted his stallion and traveled towards the mountain range.



Progress was slow, as if the mountains were retreating, not wanting visitors. Crypto Conan sensed a dark power laying beyond the range. Curiosity of the unknown land, the victims it devoured & the excitement of battle coursed through his veins. By nightfall Conan prepared his camp but a tingling in his $BALLS signalled this night would not bring him rest. Conan knelt by the fire in wait, his $STEEL ready, meditating upon the wisdom of Hudanix. A curtain of spirits rose from the dusty ground finally taking the form of old, grey haired men in tattered robes. The wizards of the 87, a small group of them, resurrected but lifeless. Once promised great kingdoms for stealing the crystals now condemned to the bidding of a darker force. Their contorted faces stared with eyes of $ICE. Conan rose, battle ready. Moving with great speed their hands of fire & electricity struck Crypto Conan, stinging & scolding the barbarians skin with each pass. He thrust & wielded his $STEEL to no avail, as if the wizards had an ethereal & physical presence simultaneously. Grimacing at the damage inflicted & falling to a knee, Conan knew that victory against those from the mystic realm must be vanquished with powers other than a blade. As if a wave crashing over his being, Conan drew upon the unlimited tools bestowed upon him & remembering the words of the Great Hudanix, Conan drew the longsword through his hand, blood dripping down the $REIZOR sharp edge. The wizards attacking furiously like a sharks on a carcass, an urgency to destroy the trespasser, was becoming less effective. Making a fist, as if squeezing a berry, forced blood from his lacerated hand. The crimson fluid now glowed blue & his $STEEL began smoking. The wizards frenzy heightened but the lifeless attack became ineffective as Conan’s flow inflicted damage. Grasping a long beard, he sliced through the neck of one, holding it high as warning to the others but this did not deter the remaining attackers. Black ash fell from the neck as Conan threw it into the fire. Attacking in numbers was futile as Conan sliced the legs of three with a single stroke of his $STEEL sending a hellish shriek into the night, then flicking blood onto the writhing cripples caused an acid like melting of the remains. A handful left, surrounded the warrior, their $ICEy eyes glowed purple, Conan realising they were crystal shards. Rubbing his $BALLS altered the very being of the champion, no longer bound to the physical realm. His feet no longer touching the ground, Crypto Conan moved towards the circled wizards with such speed that they were almost motionless. One by one the savage barbarian grasped a fistful of the wirey mane & dug his longsword into the eye sockets of the tattered attackers. Each wizard finding the ultimate penalty at the hands of the executionor & possibly atonement. The crystal shards dropping into Conan’s hands before each soulless shell fell & turned to dust.


Crypto Conan felt the intense wave of power ebb from his body, his $STEEL returning to form. Opening his hand he studied the $ICEy shards, they had frozen together to form one, as if they were atomically drawn towards each other. With the fire still crackling & the stars still bright, Conan reclined, to ponder the unknown darkness he was to face, a $SURGE of excitement filled his veins at the thought of battle. The first rays beamed over the horizon as Crytpo Conan came upon the foot of the range. His eye sharpened, searching for the tunnels in the sheer granite walls that climbed high into the clouds. Dismounting, he touched the wall & felt a vibration, the hairs on his $BALLS stood on end. The crystal shard became $ICE cold in his chest pouch as a section of the wall face glowed purple. A porthole through into a dark tunnel disclosed itself. Pitch black, the only light was coming from the shard Conan held. For some hours the vibration grew louder as Conan moved forward vigilantly, hand on $STEEL. The vibration was the pounding of chests, the subjects of Ragni in a trance, calling for a sacrifice. Crypto Conan crouching at the top of a staircase leading down to a well lit underground temple, the floor splashed with blood of victims, the walls covered in symbols & a thousand warriors in a frenzy as the offering entered the chamber. Wearing only feathered bracelets & anklets, the beautiful women faced an alter of bones & bowed her head. Stepping onto the raised platform & laying down, her eyes wide but milky, as if possessed. She displayed the unique mark of the Hudanix tribe on her forearms, Crypto Conan could faintly make it out but he was certain. Creeping down the stairs, he moved to a position where he could make a play. Priests entered from the behind a large carved edifice of Ragni carrying crystal shards & proceeded to surrounded the alter. Touching the shards together enlivened the statue, it was drawing from the power of the shards. The statue drew it’s dagger & plunged it into the heart of the sacrifice, her screams filled the temple sending the entranced warriors crazy. Conan felt a pain inside as if a sword had been dragged across his heart. Blood dripped onto the alter & was collected below, a last gasp signalled a release of her soul which Conan witnessed floating, suspended above the alter. The women, now free from her physical state watched from the ether as this unholy event unfolded. Feeling his presence, the spirit looked towards Conan whose face was contorted with pain as he witnessed a member of the Hudanix tribe captured, cursed & sacrificed to Ragni. The spirit swirled around Conan, her energy conveying urgency of vulnerable souls. Conan’s $STEELed himself as his $BALLS began to tingle. The priests, content with proceedings, collected the blood & retreated behind the statue. The warriors exited the chamber through access tunnels like cockroaches scattering from a boot heel as the body of the sacrifice lay discarded on the alter of bones. Empty, Crypto Conan made his way silently across the floor of the chamber, to the base of the now motionless statue. With his back to the granite wall he peeked into a small cave & saw the five priests around a circular stone table swilling blood. Faces covered in the crimson fluid, revelling. Chained to the walls around them were more women, crying out in disgust & cursing the filthy scum. Crypto Conan strode into the room $STEEL in hand & as the first head landed on the floor, the women’s cries turned to anger & cheering as Conan back the robed men up. Glancing around, he noticed all the captives bore the mark of Hudanix, ten in total, the rage grew as his $BALLS ached gripping his $STEEL with both hands. The priests drew their daggers feebly, shaking in terror. Conan pierced one through the torso, lifting him off the ground & with a back-forth motion sawed the skewered man to his throat. Retracting his sword, Conan proceeded to cut the chains of all the captives. Their fury intense & focused, retribution would be violent. Dragging the remaining three to the alter, the women slit the windpipes so no calls would be heard, then broke arms, legs & spine before slashing the bellies for a slow bleed out. Conan watched in approval as these rock spiders were dealt with appropriately. The women’s tattoos glowing blue & in hysteria, turned their gaze toward Conan.


The excitement of battle & the domination of an enemy is the most potent of aphrodisiacs to members of the Hudanix tribe. After the reckoning had been unleashed upon the priests & the warm blood was still dripping from the carcasses, the liberated ladies aura began to halo their bodies, Crypto Conan had not seen this happening, but the occurrence of such an event had been revealed during his revelation with the great wizard Stin. Conan who was relaxed during the demise of the priests was now uneasy, the women of Hudanix approached him, their hands confidently pushing him back into the cave from whence they came. Surrounding the great barbarian while pulling at his loin cloth & chest pouch, his $STEEL cast aside but never out of reach. Standing in only his sandles, the caressing of Conan’s muscular body was not for him but for the women, an uncontrollable lust had fallen upon them that must be satisfied. A calm washed over Crypto Conan, realising his role in the process, yielded. The next few hours felt like minutes as Conan fell into tantric state where the connection of souls could take place. Flesh on slippery flesh & the muffled groans of ecstasy echoed around the cave as each woman quenched her fire, the savage engagement of the physical & spiritual left all members satiated. Crypto Conan fulfilling his duty now seated, meditating upon Hudanix. The vixens lay scattered around him, quivering in rapture, auras fading as the intense desire dissipated.


.Conan’s eyes snapped open, his senses heightened as he was still in a hostile place. A scratching sound came from altar. Crypto Conan reached for his $STEEL & silently crept, investigating. Three savages were dining on the open abdomens of the buckled priests laying across the alter of bones. Conan had already impaled one before the others raised their heads, mouths filled with intestine & blood dripping from their chins. They had a chance to break the silence, letting out muffled cries before Conan watched the heads fall to the ground. Standing dead still for a moment, prudently listening… a murmur in the distance made it’s way through the tunnels & into the sacrificial chamber. Alerting the women, they grabbed what furs they could for clothes as Conan gathered the crystal shards of the priests, then swiftly made way out from cave. Conan & his companions watched as the tunnels that entered into the sacrificial chamber spew an avalanche of warriors, filling the void with an odious stench, wild eyes & gnashing teeth Lighter on his feet than ever before, Conan made the calculation of attack or retreat, the latter $EDGE-ing out as safety of the unarmed girls was paramount. Conan eyed a small access tunnel on the far side of statue & motioned towards it, the girls trusting the great warriors judgement, swiftly made way as Crypto Conan guarded their rears, $STEEL in hand. The hostiles gave chase like rivets shooting from an exploding boiler, some staying in the chamber to devour the remains of the priests. The tunnel made a loop upwards to the top of the statues head….a dead end! Conan stood his ground, a plethora of savages advancing, as his $BALLS-ac felt a cold tingle, thinking the power of Hudanix was upon him but the loincloth where the priests shards were hurriedly stashed had now single shard, glowing orange as he withdrew it. Conan turned his head to see the statue coming alive then back to witness the tunnel full of nasties. Conan & girls lept onto the giants head, now overlooking the sacrificial chamber full of thousands, all looking up & wailing, unaware that Crypto Conan possessed the shard & was now master. Reaching down, it grabbed a handful of men, one by one the colossal sculpture popped the heads like grapes, then crushed their cadavers into pulp, splashing entrails on those below. The satisfaction & relief of watching the bodies explode under the foot of the stomping sculpture sent the girls crazy & Crypto Conan was thrust into the ritual of battle lust, a deed that reveals new teaching of the Great Hudanix. Conan was about to level up.